The web is becoming increasingly visible – oftentimes images replace text based communications. One should think „memes“ on Facebook but also sharing product images to indicate that one loves this stuff or just bought it. This still relatively new, dynamically growing world of image sharing brings many benefits, many changes and also so many challenges.
One case we all know. Its two a.m. and all the sudden all the Facebook friends get updates about how awesome the mood is in the pub down at the corner. Or someone finds this hilarious spring-break photo of you from a few years back and shares it with all your friends. Posts that one might regret later. Posts that we would like to track and take off the internet. But how would you possibly find where those pictures ended up to be? These are very individual, personal cases of exposure to what the age of content explosion means. But think about the business impact.

Resolution Foundry CEO Brian Killen
You are a fashion brand and post your collection on your website and to a few select bloggers – knowing it will find its way into Pinterest, Tumblr and the likes. And of course you love it, because this gives you direct access to a huge audience. But how would you know where else your pictures have been posted? People copy and paste them from your site, save as new files – and now you have no idea. Do these pictures link back to your page, so you can sell your collection? Or do they point to counterfeit fraud shops that stole your designs and now stole your copyrighted brand images as well? Making you lose revenue?
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