Einträge von adwinkler

EY-Study: FinTech is gaining traction and young, high-income users are the early adopters

FinTech is booming, no doubt – and latest developments like with the UK unicorn Powa cannot change that picture much or at all. But repeatedly the question of quick enough user adoption of fancy new stuff in the world of financial services has been raised – and rightly so. I personally always had the point […]

Cost vs. Business: A constant struggle, according to Accenture

We all may have suspected that much: CFOs want to keep the funds together, CEOs want to grow their businesses. This struggle between the most important roles in a company may turn out to be a hindrance in growing a business – says Accenture: „The link between cost cuts and growth strategy is broken“. A […]

Resolution Foundry is hiring – join the best Berlin start-up!

Check out the job openings here. Find out more about Resolution Foundry here.

Infographic: FinTech Outlook 2016

Call Levels has published an interesting outlook for FinTech in 2016 with the intriguing head-line „20 Amazing Facts You Need To Know About FinTech“. Its pretty high level – but very interesting nevertheless. Worth spending these 20 seconds for sure.

Juniper Research: Beacons drive mobile commerce

According to a study published by Juniper Research, Beacon-powered coupon- and rewards programs proof to work. What may not come as a surprise to the mobile people among us has now a scientific foundation, based for instance on an 8% increase in the sales of Chicken sandwiches at McDonalds using in store beacons instead of […]