
Tech Crunch: How Twitter and Facebook could bury publishers

techcrunchTech Crunch Editor Josh Constine has a point when he rants about the latest news-features of Facebook and Twitter. The content comes from Publishers – but you wound never know, because its stripped from all links and in essence everything that would show you where this is actually coming from.

Beyond what Josh says in this video, I find it scary to digest „news“ over social networks without knowing the source – because it means that credible news media is becoming less relevant, the social media herd instinct is becoming more relevant. Which means that we become even more vulnerable for propaganda, miss-information or „flavors“ – without actually knowing so.

This, together with the commercial impacts of these developments, I find pretty scary.

Tech Crunch´s Josh Costine rants about latest social news features

And there is more here:

Twitter And Facebook Are Turning Publishers Into Ghost Writers