
The Future of Payments: Which Game Changing Technologies Will Affect the Retail Industry

payments journalWhile our industry – like any other – is facing massive disruption (or re-invention rather in most cases), some changes could lead to a dramatic shift in how things are being done. From a Consumer perspective mostly. The Payments Journal has written a summary and analysis of what is coming up, or better may be coming up, and identifies autonomous cars, augmented reality and AI so mention some. The underlying technologies being available, some being the same as for mobile payments – just that it does not happen on a phone. I find this a piece much worth reading. Find the whole article here. 

Great Summary by ValueWalk: The Stripe Ecosystem In One Giant Visualization

valuewalkSometimes it is hard to get to a core of a phenomenon – and then it is good that someone spends some time thinking it through and putting it into simple terms. Now, ValueWalk has done just that with the Stripe-Phenomenon. I believe reading this is time well spent. You find the article here.

Juniper Research: Beacons drive mobile commerce

According to a study published by Juniper Research, Beacon-powered coupon- and rewards programs proof to work. What may not come as a surprise to the mobile people among us has now a scientific foundation, based for instance on an 8% increase in the sales of Chicken sandwiches at McDonalds using in store beacons instead of the more traditional coupon activities they have – while I always asked myself how they measure those due to a lack of tracking. An article published by the Mobile Commerce Daily (which you can read here in full length) suggests redemption rates of 60% at a Chinese Retailer, which I would find pretty ground-breaking and leading to the question: how on earth did they do that? I would think they probably have beacons all over so the consumer has no choice but to redeem something, just to get rid of it? A question also raised in the article: how much pressure is good for beacon based advertising in stores? Two per visit per customer is suggested. I would turn notifications off by then. But perhaps thats just me.

Buch „Marktplätze“ mit lesenswertem Autoren-Beitrag von mir

marktplätzeAlle Branchen befinden sich derzeit in derselben Situation: Unternehmen bedienen ihre Kunden oft noch über konventionelle Kanäle, obwohl viel mehr Kenntnis und Erreichbarkeit vorhanden ist. Technisch ist es möglich, den Ort des Kunden zu bestimmen, die Situation, in der er sich befindet. Mit diesem Wissen kann man reagieren: personalisiert können Leistungen des Unternehmens angeboten werden, die zu den Bedürfnissen des K
unden passen. Wenn das Unternehmen dies nicht tut, wird das Geschäft von anderen Playern im Markt abgegraben. Vertriebskanäle werden zunehmend bei Partnern etabliert, auch um gebündelte Produkte anzubieten. Es entstehen Orchestrierung und Kollaboration, und das Social Business reagiert viel stärker auf die Meinung der Kunden zum Produkt.

Spannendes Interview in Finyear

finyearProvocative: No one needs just mobile payments. You have to think bigger and you have to attract people. When it comes to spending money, especially in everyday life, it is more about irrational arguments than about logical ones. Today, a lot of people say “I can make payments, but why with my mobile phone?”

Finyear Interview with Nils Winkler