
Has Pokemon Succeeded Where Retailer Loyalty Apps Failed?

paymentssourceI admit, I have adopted this headline – because I could not possibly come up with a better one. Great job, Payments Source! They published an article which reflects on a phenomenon which has greatly annoyed me some 15 years ago or so – actually I never got it, to be frank. But now, the phenomenon is back and finally I DO get it. Just in a much different sense than a stupid electronic toy that you „pay attention to“, apparently when you lack any other social interaction. 🙂

Today Smombies follow their phones and not seldom are a true traffic hazard – now being steered by an app called Pokemon Go. First of all the good news: You have to move your body to play this app so give it some benefit for fighting obesity. But: you have to stare at your screen constantly which will probably boost the sale of power banks as well as it is in fact a traffic hazard. Anyway, the key thing it does is to make you search – or hunt for – Pokemon, epically ugly manga pieces of crap which you can do whatever with. This treasure hunt is what gets folks on the hook with it.

So why not place the ugly critter in a store, next to the items you want to sell? Not sure this is actually happening but Payment Source does have a point. This might be what all those loyalty apps failed about for so many years – and if thats true the current boot in market valuation for Nintendo is well deserved. Highly interesting and they got ME on the hook with it (while I refrain from playing Pokemon Go). Read for yourself here.

Addition (actually not sure it works) there was this Video on Facebook (in German) which brings back some (ugly) memory. 🙂


Buch „Marktplätze“ mit lesenswertem Autoren-Beitrag von mir

marktplätzeAlle Branchen befinden sich derzeit in derselben Situation: Unternehmen bedienen ihre Kunden oft noch über konventionelle Kanäle, obwohl viel mehr Kenntnis und Erreichbarkeit vorhanden ist. Technisch ist es möglich, den Ort des Kunden zu bestimmen, die Situation, in der er sich befindet. Mit diesem Wissen kann man reagieren: personalisiert können Leistungen des Unternehmens angeboten werden, die zu den Bedürfnissen des K
unden passen. Wenn das Unternehmen dies nicht tut, wird das Geschäft von anderen Playern im Markt abgegraben. Vertriebskanäle werden zunehmend bei Partnern etabliert, auch um gebündelte Produkte anzubieten. Es entstehen Orchestrierung und Kollaboration, und das Social Business reagiert viel stärker auf die Meinung der Kunden zum Produkt.