Citi Report: Bitcoin does not hurt. But does it help?

The third report about the impacts of Bitcoin and Crypto Currencies by Citi Bank suggests that those pose little threat to the established structures. However, it could make certain services more effective – the authors believe. For those, the block-chain architecture could be a possibility to increase efficiency in their international payments networks. I personally doubt that and would not read this report as positive, from the crypto fractions POV.

Read more here.

Brexit – what now? Stable environment needed elsewhere…

While the shock remains, the world of commerce and banking is getting ready to pick up the pieces. One major candidate for benefitting from Brexit is obviously Frankfurt, a historically leading finance place – but that will not go un-battled.

HSBC already announced that it would move to Paris, where it owns a domestic bank. And obviously Luxembourg is in the running. And so is Dublin, which is English speaking and a place with a known fun-factor.

Already a day after Brexit the numbers for jobs moving away from London are predicted to be 100k and more. But where would they go – and why?

FCA (FSA) regulated businesses could have a good reason to evaluate the regulatory and legal frameworks across Europe but should also bear other factors in mind, such as IT regime, flexibility and approachability of the regulator (which does not mean its easier – its just better when you have a counterpart who is business-oriented and supportive). And of course the labor market is equally important. And then: how to get there. An off-shore island down south might be the right place for certain businesses, but most benefit from a location in the heart of Europe. Further – does the location allow to do business with many other countries or is there a cultural barrier?

The network of experts of CoCoNo can help to find the right answer to these and other strategic questions around Brexit.

CoCoNo´s network of experienced specialists can help with a results-oriented, get-it-done approach to obtaining payment licenses in EU jurisdictions, development and implementation of alternative Strategies to FSA and related topics.

Please contact CoCoNo at




Brexit – Pandora’s box must remain shut

This is a dark day for Europe, for the European countries and most of all for England. Populists have won a majority based on false information, straight lies and fear. 

There is a difference though to continental Europe. In the UK, many leaders tried to win votes for decades with a populistic bashing of the EU – while staying united with the rest of Europe. Now they get the return – the average Joe actually digested this steady criticism. How was Cameron, the EU critic, to explain to his countrymen why they should vote for remain? He fueled the populist movements with his own actions far too long and his own exit is only a locical step. No surprise.

Lets look east. For sure the champagne is flowing in the Kremlin now and Putin is having a blast. Too long did we allow his poisenous propaganda in Europe – and did not respond to the many Russian attempts to de-stabilize the European Unity. A strong Europe is a problem for Putin, as sanctions show. We know that many of the western populist, right wing movements have close ties with the Kremlin. And we know thats where they get money  from to spread their hatred.

I would very much like legislation across Europe that stops foreign „investment“ in European politics. There should be no possibility for the Kremlin to finance populist parties in the EU. RT should be banned from public broadcasting – its not news media but propaganda.

I believe in the European Union and in Europe and I hope and will support what is necessary to defend it.

The European integration process and the EU have given us the longest period of peace and prosperity in the younger history. No-one in the EU had to worry about war. But now we are under attack from many sides as well as facing additional challenges. Say Russia, Turkey, Syria, ISIS. Those are threats which we can handle peacefully on the foundation of our European core values when we stand united.

I hope we will, for the sake of our children.


I like the approach and strategy – wise move. And a great example.

Read the full article here.

Informatik in der Schule: Mehr Geschichtsunterricht als irgendwas.

Heute habe ich ein Blog-Post gefunden, das mir aus der Seele gesprochen hat. Schon zu meiner Schulzeit war der „Datenverarbeitungsunterricht“ absurd. Wir Schüler wussten und konnten mehr als die Lehrer – durften es aber nicht anwenden, weil die Lehrer natürlich die Kontrolle behalten wollten. Da könnte ja jeder kommen! Bevor die 5 1/4-Zoll Floppy-Disk in den IBM-Rechner mit Grünmonitor geschoben werden durfte (ja, so etwas wegweisendes gab es da schon!) wurde erst einmal die Lehre nach Zuse vermittelt (dessen bahnbrechende Erfindung des Zuse-Computers nicht nur den Weg in unsere heutige Ära der Computer ebnete sondern dieser Tage den 75. Geburtstag feiert!). Nicht, daß uns das irgendwie genützt hätte oder für das Leben etwas auf den Weg gegeben hätte.

Neulich hat sich mein neunjähriger Sohn über den Murx an seiner Schule ausgelassen – das sei alles veralteter Müll und die Lehrer hätten keine Ahnung von Computern und würden nicht mal regelmäßig eMails lesen. Das hätten sie zugegeben. Déjà-vu.

Heute nun finde ich also dies: „Das Informatik-Schulbuch meiner Töchter: Werft es weg – oder schafft den Informatik-Unterricht ab, denn so kann man gut darauf verzichten!“.
