More ePayments – but still more Cash? Well thats interesting. :) has a piece which basically says that while cash-less payments are growing so is the volume of cash in the European markets. That is nothing new but I like the fact that it is spelled out loud, as we otherwise here only the tooting of the near end of cash and that Governments want to ban cash altogether. Apparently (and who would have thought), merchants and of course the consumers have a word to say in this – which leads to another interesting observation Finextra made: Cash costs too much. So why not make handling cash more efficient – and cheaper? Perhaps thats not a necessity as the handling cost for cash are usually hidden in other budgets than the one for payments, which makes the cost of cash with cards for instance somewhat impossible today. But read for yourself.

„European cash processing needs root-and-branch reform“ has an interesting view on Platforms

Just the other day I had a discussion with a friend about the „Uberization“ of the world – there is an Uber-this and Uber-that but this seems to be over-inflated and the industry seems to be hyper-ventilating when someone says we are the new Uber of what the heck.

Now it was super refreshing to read this piece on – take a look:

Payment´s next big thing: The „Uber of Nothing“.

Semasio informiert über Data driven advertising: Hygge Morning-Talks

semasioWie finde ich die optimale Zielgruppe für meine Kampagnenziele?
Wie nutze ich Data wirklich effektiv und effizient?
Wie setze ich datengetriebene Kampagnen bestmöglich für das Programmatic Advertising auf?
Wenn Sie sich diese und ähnliche Fragen gelegentlich auch schon am frühen Morgen stellen, sind die Hygge-Morning-Talks die richtige Anlaufstelle.


Semasio-Gründer und CEO Kasper Skou

Hier dreht sich alles um die datengetriebene, programmatische Gegenwart und Zukunft des digitalen Marketings. Semasio hat Dänische Gene und daher ist die Roadshow leicht dänisch angehaucht. Sie setzt dort an, wo Semasios Magazin für Data Driven Advertising aufhört und der brancheninterne Austausch Stärkung benötigt.

Diskutieren Sie mit den Experten im kleinen Kreis die Themen des Data Driven Advertisings, die Sie im Alltag beschäftigen. Wir stellen uns den Fragen und Schwierigkeiten, die Ihnen Kopfzerbrechen bereiten, und liefern Antworten.
Neben guten Gesprächen und einem dänisch inspirierten Lunch erleben Sie in garantiert hyggeliger Atmosphäre die gesammelte Erfahrung der Semasio-Fachleute gepaart mit wertvollen hands-on Tipps.

Viktor Eichmann, Co-Founder und Managing Director von Adlicious

Der offene Austausch wird durch zwei Vorträge angefeuert: Zuerst gewähren Ihnen unsere Profis der Zielgruppenansprache einen Einblick in die verworrene Welt des Targetings, indem sie die Unterschiede zwischen den methodischen Ansätzen erläutern und klare Handlungsempfehlungen für die Wahl des optimalen Targetingsegments aufzeigen. Im Anschluss erklären Ihnen die Spezialisten vom Trading Desk Adlicious step by step worauf es beim Aufsetzen datengetriebener Kampagnen im Programmatic Advertising ankommt.

Der nächste Termin ist am 18. April in Düsseldorf. Die Teilnahme am Event ist kostenlos. Eine verbindliche Anmeldung ist allerdings notwendig. Melden Sie sich per E-Mail unter oder telefonisch unter +49 40 350 175 77 für die Hygge-Morning-Talks an. Das Platzangebot ist begrenzt. Der Einlass kann daher nur erfolgen, wenn Sie die  Bestätigungsmail vorzeigen können.

Juniper Research: Beacons drive mobile commerce

According to a study published by Juniper Research, Beacon-powered coupon- and rewards programs proof to work. What may not come as a surprise to the mobile people among us has now a scientific foundation, based for instance on an 8% increase in the sales of Chicken sandwiches at McDonalds using in store beacons instead of the more traditional coupon activities they have – while I always asked myself how they measure those due to a lack of tracking. An article published by the Mobile Commerce Daily (which you can read here in full length) suggests redemption rates of 60% at a Chinese Retailer, which I would find pretty ground-breaking and leading to the question: how on earth did they do that? I would think they probably have beacons all over so the consumer has no choice but to redeem something, just to get rid of it? A question also raised in the article: how much pressure is good for beacon based advertising in stores? Two per visit per customer is suggested. I would turn notifications off by then. But perhaps thats just me.

Study: Ukrainians adopt „Western Mentality“

A study conducted by the Ukrainian / Danish software firm Livatek suggests that there has been a shift in mentality in Ukraine over the recent years. In a digital „cultural survey“ the participants were asked to respond to typical „questions of scruples“ regarding their professional and personal life. The study first has been conducted four years ago, which makes it even more interesting: Not only has Ukraine gone through dramatic times, and still is, but also there have been some dramatic shifts in the mentality applied to work and life in general. While the results for participants from Northern Europe and North America have been in the same range for both studies.
The biggest finding is an interesting one: While in 2011 the mentality in the Ukraine was significantly different from the one in Northern Europe and North America, this difference is now gone for the most part. The Ukrainian mentality has adjusted to a more „western“ mindset. Fundamentally in 2011, there was no trust in the legal system. The individual and its direct friends were valued higher than the society. And there was a strong belief that your family background matters more than what you are doing – which direcly translates into who is supporting and protecting you is key to success. Now that has changed.
UA Survey

Source: Livatek

The study concludes that the Ukraine is now a less individualistic society with much greater trust in law enforcement and the legal system. Its much less important for Ukrainians now who looks after you – much more important now is the belief that you can matter for yourself in life and achieve something by your own.
What a shift!
This shift has happened in just four years – in which the Ukrainian society stood up against a kleptocratic tyrant and another one from its neighborhood, still facing the conflict.
It makes me optimistic for the future of the country because these values we now share are the foundation for economic success. And economic success is key for stability of the society.
The full study conducted by Livatek is available here.